A painful truth in a relationship is exposed in this poem by Jo Burns. Illustration by Sibel Ekemen
I remember the first conversation she had with you
in a bar, discussing politics, the history of art
through a haze of absinthe, and Cohiba smoke,
pretending to understand Spanish, not even noticing me,
slipping on slant words, as your eyes unscrewed hers.
I distantly (and distinctly from different angles)
remember feeling that the world was on the down.
Akilter, returning with Rioja, your thick gold ring
had slid off. I was sure you’d never worn it at all.
The inclination poured her into your wine glass swill
before she clung in your throat as we toppled then fell.
The night Eva Gouel’s world tilted is from The Truth Issue – Issue 20. Order your copy here
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