Popshot Magazine

Illustration by Kelly Romanaldi


The Fantasy Issue

At Popshot we are asking for submissions of poetry, flash and short stories on the theme of fantasy.

The next issue will be about fantasy, so we are asking for work that reflects your wildest dreams.

Let your imagination run away with you, delve into genre and examine whether fantasy is delusion, creativity or a fool’s paradise. Everything and anything is permissible, from the impossible to the improbable to the downright strange. We want your darkest, funniest or most bonkers fantasies.

We know that fantasy as a genre often features dragons, magic, kingdoms and mythological beings. All these are welcome – but so, too, are more left-of-field interpretations. Successful submissions will display excellent writing, creative flair and originality. We are looking for a mixture of humour, social commentary, honesty and thrilling storytelling.


Submissions for the Autumn issue are open until 9am GMT on Monday, June 3.

The Fantasy Issue will be published in August 2019.

Guidelines for submission:

  • Poems: 12 to 40 lines
  • Short stories: 1,000 to 3,000 words
  • Flash fiction: 100 to 1,000 words

Three entries maximum. Entries over the word count will not be considered.

To discover more about Popshot, pick up a copy from WHSmiths or another reputable newsagent. You can subscribe to either hard copy or digital editions. Four issues are published per year showcasing the best emerging fiction writers.

To see your writing published and illustrated, head to our submit page for the full guidelines. Include the issue and form of your work in the subject line (i.e. Fantasy – Poetry). We are open to original contributions from anyone, anywhere in the world.

At Popshot towers we have just wrapped up the Escape issue, which goes on sale May 9.

Drop us a line at hello@popshotpopshot.com

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Illustration by Kelly Romanaldi

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