We are no longer accepting short fiction and poetry for our 28th issue on the theme of ‘earth’. Send in your writing before 9am GMT on Monday 2 March 2020.
It’s that time again Popshot people! We are now accepting submissions for the next magazine on a theme of…“Earth”.
We have just finished putting together the Mystery issue (thank you to all who submitted, the magazine will hit newsstands at the end of next week), allowing us to open the doors for new submissions.
Our next theme is ‘earth’ and we are interested in writing that looks broadly at our planet, the soil from which all things spring, theories around and the history or mythology of creation from primordial soup to Earth Mothers that come from different ends of the planet, like Gaia and Papatūanuku.
Writers might want to look at the fight to save our planet from global warming, or the difference (fictions, even) in the interpretations or lack thereof of the crisis we are facing. At a time when some world leaders are denying that there is a problem with what humans are doing to the earth, what might the outcomes be? Your stories and poems can shoot us into the future, look at the earth from afar or teach us the lessons we need to learn now. They might have a human angle, or they may look at the role of our planet from the perspective of the plants and wildlife who also inhabit it.
Successful submissions must display excellent writing, creative flair and originality. We are looking for a mixture of humour, social commentary, honesty and thrilling storytelling. We welcome all genres and writing styles so long as they follow our guidelines for submission (for more on which, click here).
Submissions for the Summer issue are open until 9am GMT on Monday, 2 March 2020.
The Earth issue will be published in May 2020.
Guidelines for submission:
- Poems: 12 to 40 lines
- Short stories: 1,000 to 3,000 words
- Flash fiction: 100 to 1,000 words
Three entries maximum. Entries over the word count will not be considered.
To discover more about Popshot, pick up a copy from WHSmiths or another reputable newsagent. You can subscribe to either hard copy or digital editions. Four issues are published per year showcasing the best emerging fiction writers.
To see your writing published and illustrated, head to our submit page for the full guidelines. Include the issue and form of your work in the subject line (i.e. Earth – Poetry). We are open to original contributions from anyone, anywhere in the world.
At Popshot towers we have just wrapped up the Mystery issue, which will be on sale from 6 February.
Drop us a line at hello@popshotpopshot.com
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To ensure that you never miss a future issue of the print magazine, subscribe from just £24 for 4 issues.