During the difficult circumstances of coronavirus and lockdown, we want our readers to know that Popshot is still being published and you can still read it digitally or receive it to your door.
Dear readers,
We wanted to write to you at this difficult time to say we hope you are keeping safe and to reassure you that the next issue of Popshot Quarterly, The Earth Issue, is currently being put together in this brave new world of remote working. We think it is going to be a beautiful and rather prescient look at how we can all care for one another and our environment better going forward.
As we are unable to offer single purchase print copies of Popshot by post at the moment, and as it becomes less available in bookshops, here are some other ways you can read Popshot:
By subscribing to our print edition you can read all four issues published throughout the year from £20. A printed copy of the magazine will be delivered direct your home each quarter—and you will also get access to our full digital archive. Click here for more information.
The digital edition of Popshot is available for reading on tablets and desktop and you will receive free access to the complete magazine archive with your subscription. Click here for the app, here to read Popshot via ISSUU, or here to read via Readly.
For a limited time only you can take out a trial subscription of two issues for just £7.50.
We thank you for your support at this time and want to hear from you on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with any questions or concerns. Please tag us in your #lockdownreading or #lockdownwriting recommendations and we’ll pass those onto our community.
The Mystery Issue is currently on sale and we will be publishing The Earth Issue in May.
Best wishes,
Popshot Editor
To ensure that you never miss a future issue of the print magazine, subscribe from just £24 for 4 issues.